We create clients for our clients

Leaders in generating qualified leads

About Us

Who are we?

We are a lead generator with more than 10 years of experience in the market with multidisciplinary professionals, specialized in lead acquisition and management projects in various sectors. Ignium was born from the need of our clients to obtain a qualified lead generation service through the optimization and enhancement of the process with the objective of maximizing the cost-effectiveness of lead generation. Our extensive library of antifake algorithms, enrichment and management allows us to guarantee a satisfactory comprehensive process to achieve and maximize your company´s projects.

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We have a wide catalogue of products subject to our own antifake, enrichment, segmentation and logistics algorithm.

Choose the product which suits your needs best:

  • Cold Leads

  • Warm/Tempered Leads

  • Hot Leads


We have 39 million records, both from our own databases and monetized exclusively through our mEXP datalake.

All our records have been normalized and verified through a Data Quality process with the aim of enriching the existing data and maximizing the results to be achieved.

Achieve your campaign goals through our qualified records by purchase propensity in various sectors, with a delivery capacity of 3.6 million leads per month.

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Listbrokering Premium

Thanks to our algorithm and lead processing, we can offer you qualified Smart Data with multivariable segmentation through our tagging system

The creation of our own tagging system allows us to enrich the records with information about search interests, call behaviour, origin of recruitment and socio-demographic variables.

We guide the configuration of our orders to maximise the objectives of your campaign through the study of propensities and correlations between the more than 150 tags registered in our incentivised database.

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If your goal is to reach large volumes in a very short period, try our sponsoring segmented by age, gender and geographic area.

We offer you a qualified volumetric targeting through our cross-platform engagement enriched by our audiences profiled to purchase intentionality.

Our LeadExp algorithm library allows us to ensure the detection of fakes by name, phone number and email along with optimized registration segmentation and logistics.

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Collect data from users who have answered a qualified form about different sectors/products and socio-demographic variables.

Enjoy all the advantages that Sponsoring offers along with a higher qualification of the lead, allowing you to perform a more detailed segmentation to achieve your goals.

We ensure that each lead sent is exclusive to the sector in which you operate. Check all the combinations you can access in the qualified segmentation of the records.

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Are you interested in a qualified record with interest in your brand/campaign? We customise your display according to your brand proposition to ensure lead optimisation with users who express interest.

Maximize Survey qualification by adding your customised display. You will be able to obtain a record with interest in your brand/ sector along with the qualified segmentation of our form.

We take lead generation to the next level of qualification and enrichment with our Secret Prize platform. Interested in maximising your campaign goals?

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Do you want to get qualified sales opportunities for your brand? We commit to provide a volume of records with purchase intent in different sectors such as energy, telecommunications, insurance(decesos), insurance, alarms, NGOs, education...

Through our multiple referrers we can ensure a stable inter-monthly volume served in real time, regardless of the positioning of the brand or its offer in a given month.

Get impact on your most desired audience with our qualified segmentation through the various variables of interest to change.

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Lead Traffic

Our Google Partners accreditation and multiple own lead acquisition channels, managed by our PPC department, ensure that we offer qualified and constant traffic according to the desired audience.

With Email Marketing you can send your personalised promotion to your target audience by using our segmented database. Reach your audience in an effective and cost-optimised way.

Communicate your offers through SMS campaigns with audiences that match the required segmentation. Optimise the action of your offer through the enrichment of our SMS campaigns.

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Find out about all the innovations that have made Ignium Consulting a reference in the sector.

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Contact our team and we will solve all your doubts immediately